A Note and Update from The Inward Turn
An invitation into something new…
An invitation into something new…
“Anxiety isn’t meant to be avoided at all cost. [It] can be God’s flashing light on the roadway of our journey, directing us toward Himself and toward the peace for which we so desperately long.”
“’God made someone really special when He made me!’ Are you able to say those words and really mean them?”
“If you feel unloved, it is not because you’re not loved; it’s because you are not believing by faith and receiving from Him the love that He is pouring out on you even now.”
“The person God loves with the tenderness of a Father, the person he wants to touch and to transform with his love, is not the person we’d have liked to be or ought to be. It’s the person we are.”
“Even when a situation seems so personal, even if others insult you directly, it has nothing to do with you. What they say, what they do, and the opinions they give are according to the agreements they have in their own minds.”
“Before you ever felt the sting of rejection, God had already gone on record as choosing you.”