Worry Not: Søren Kierkegaard on What We Can Learn from the Birds of the Air and Lilies of the Field
“And even if what you want to accomplish in the world were the most amazing feat: you shall acknowledge the lily and the bird as your teachers…”
“And even if what you want to accomplish in the world were the most amazing feat: you shall acknowledge the lily and the bird as your teachers…”
“Gratitude is therefore the heart of the solitary life, as it is the heart of the Christian life.”
“The happy life is this – to rejoice to you, in you, and for you. That is it and there is no other.”
“To move from one unselfish action to another with God in mind. Only there, delight and stillness.”
“To create belongs to God’s goodness; to be created belongs to human nature.”
“Resist anything that leads to moodiness. Our prayer each day should be, ‘Let the joy of the Lord be my strength.’”
“What if we know that forgiveness and mercy are what heal and restore and define us, that they actually are the fragrance that the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it?”